Thursday, February 14, 2013

Garden of Delight

I discovered last night, much to my chagrin, that I can actually hear the Fringe going on in the Garden of Unearthly Delights from my house. Which is not going to make for much in the way of sleep for the next oh.....5 weeks!!! I could hear people having fun, laughing, drinking. All the while I was in bed desperately trying to get some sleep before my probation review today. Plus walking in the parade tonight!

Workmate made valentine cupcakes - I restrained myself though and didn't have any

Hanging out in my dressing gown (Leona Edmiston) and my fluffy Mules (AP)

Time for a teeny glass of wine in my own Garden

Best sale buy ever - Aurelio Costarella dress $150 down from something ridiculous

This would be the perfect date dress (if I ever had one). It gives me a waist (which I don't have)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Those cupcakes are adorable!
    Very sexy dress :)

  2. I love your garden!! Can I come live with you? ;)

  3. great dress!
    and I wonder how they got the heart in the middle of the cupcake??

  4. I agree with Kay.. Amazing garden!
