In Bathurst yet again, feeling really burnt out. I need a holiday - numerous angry emails and emergencies at work, plus I had a hangover from our residential school dinner...not to mention a cold sore - which I only get once every few years when I reach stress levels this high. Let's just say I need a lie down.

Vintage dress

I got told I look like an Edwardian princess...weird. Asos blouse.

Zara top, Asos skirt, Lovisa necklace

Cherries, red bull and water on the way....I love Young cherry season

My work car this time was brand new...78kms on the clock

Kitty prefers my glass

Her eyes stealing my soul...

Out for shopping day - F21 cargos, Asos jumper, AA tank, Asos hat

Zara bag

Dotti shirt, shorts and blazer, TB heels
i think you look fabulously edwardian!