Last night the Boy and I watched Working Girl - he had never seen it, and I think he was surprised that he actually loved it. I enjoyed the massive lion's mane hair. Hi-larious.
King of the jungle..
In other news, I finally purchased a tripod. Can't wait for it to arrive so I can play around with it and hopefully get some better outfit shots. I have to learn to actually smile in the photos! I am so damn busy thinking about getting there in time for the self timer!
Decided to wear hats more often...Skirt: Tempt, Cardi: Asos, Shirt: Portmans, Hat: Dotti
Sans glasses - I really can't see without them
I look like I am about to dance here!
TB wedges
Happy and be-hatted (it's hiding my post-gym hair that I couldn't be bothered washing)
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