Thankfully today is a half day - so I couldn't be bothered getting dressed up for work. My top half is therefore wearing gym clothes, in preparation for a tough session after work.
Just Jeans jacket (gift from the Boy), Nudie jeans, TB boots, Supre top
Hair pretty much unbrushed
My cat print skirt from Etsy arrived - the print is so cute!The tripod arrived so my photos will hopefully improve - I still have no idea to increase the size though. Not sure if it's a problem with the camera, iphoto, or blogger.
And in even better news...I got my Zara leopard print blazer...I couldn't wait until I get to Sydney Saturday, just in case it was sold out. So when it popped back on the UK site, the lovely Briony from BrionybuysUK let me know and she snapped it up for me straightaway.