Sunday, March 20, 2011

Asos is evil

Sitting here in a hotel room in Brisbane, with Asos calling....

I am still waiting on this blouse that I bought with the last many pussybow blouses does one person need (answer - many, oh so many)

And of course the 20% off code proved too much for little ole me!

Dragonfly scarf - how could I resist the dragonflies!

Midi skirt - hope this looks flattering on

Hopefully when I get back home on Thursday night there will be some parcels waiting for me;) Shopping ban has to come soon I fear.


  1. haha awww I also caved and made yet another asos order :( Your buys are gorgeous though, so that makes it okay! xxx

  2. I love all of your buys!. Let us know how the skirt goes!

  3. Your answer is correct, you can never have too many! Shopping bans are rotten, especially compared to the wonderfulness of packages arriving in the mail...

    Chic on the Cheap
