It is no secret that I adore going to the movies - have done so ever since I was a child. My father had custody of me on the weekends, so every week we would see a new movie. Consequently, I have seen pretty much every 80s movie that ever was released. I love the choctops, the velvet curtains, the smell, the previews (NEVER make me miss the previews). I am very against downloading movies for this reason - I want to preserve the experience and the ritual. And I especially adore Gold Class (none in Wagga though).
Here are some I have seen lately...
Was a very decent action thriller - nothing ground breaking, but it was nice to see something enthralling that didn't actually have a stereotypical baddie.

Morning Glory - I quite liked this! Again, nothing spectacular, and you could wait for DVD, but I do love Rachel McAdams, she has such charisma on screen. And Harrison Ford was quite enjoyable as a complete grump.

Burlesque....hmmm, well it was my birthday yesterday, and I spent it alone as the Boy was working. So since I have no friends to do anything with in Wagga, I went to the movies alone to see something cheesetacular. And this was it....I didn't hate it exactly - Stanley Tucci was fun. And the costumes were amazing! But seriously - what Xtina's character did in the movie wasn't really Burlesque. I much preferred the act before she joined it. I mean, I wouldn't pay to see her sing.
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