Thursday, January 31, 2013

At the Barre

Skipped Crossfit yesterday morning in favour of an after work Xtend Barre class. It's amazing how much brighter and more awake I am if I sleep til 7am instead of getting up at my usual 5:30am. Surely I should be used to early wake up calls by now??

Not feeling sore today which is a miracle, considering how hard the class was last night, and my morning gym workout.

Spending my Friday night tonight at the movies with my mum, finally catching the new Tarantino:)

Ready to get my Barre on

Why can men never pick up weights and put them away??

Cue skirt, Dotti shirt

H&M necklace

Kitties supervise the dressing process

Burlesque costume for the Fringe Parade arrived:) Light up skirt and shrug.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Days of Rain

It feels weird to be in the height of summer, and hear the rain outside. Is it just me , or does it really seem like the wearher is just getting crazier?

We epic failed at Trivia night last night - 4th! After 5 weeks of winning. I guess we just weren't feeling it...

Still thinking about my next tattoo...was thinking of a proper big peacock across my back, but then this girl's dragon made me rethink pretty! I do already have a fire, a wind and water dragons on my back. Maybe time for the earth dragon to link them all?

Managed to avoid the charity tea trolley at work yesterday due to my juice cleanse

Back to normal (and normal eating) again today. Don't think I will ever do three days again - I am such a hard person to be around when I have been starved of food. Maybe just the occasional one day one...

Colette Dinnigan Pants, Warehouse top

Zara jacket

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Feeling the Blues

So hungry. Had a slight epic fail last night on the juice cleanse as I had to make caramel slice for the charity tea trolley...ate all the edges I trimmed off - AND licked the bowl. Oh well. Might break early tonight in time for dinner at the pub for trivia night (will have a healthy salmon and veg dinner).

This experiment has been interesting. I definitely think juice cleanses can be useful for one day, but going three days is really hard. Might be good to throw in one day once in a while, maybe on a weekend rather than a work day (not eating makes it super hard to concentrate!)

Meat chocolate - worrying

My Wish dress arrived - is it too short? Not sure. I am old after all. And I totally need a strapless bra with this one. The colour is amazing though.

Does strange things to my boobs

Too short for a 36 year old?

Wish dress

Feeling the blues this morning - stars and stripes and Americana all the way. Like Wonder Woman minus the spandex.

Asos skirt and belt, Zara top

Zara blazer

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Juice Detox - Day Two Update

For anyone who might be curious about a DIY juice detox, here is an update....

I am most of the way through Day Two of my three day DIY detox. And boy, am I ever hungry! I calculated the juices so it would be approximately 1200 calories (which is what I was eating when I was doing the 12WBT). And I am even hungrier than I was then if that is possible. I am waiting to see the wonderful glowy skin etc that other people have reported. Really, I just want to tear my teeth into something. Anything.

I am starting to look at people like they are made of meat, like the lion in Madagascar.

Plus feeling super tired with no caffeine. Debating currently whether to add in a few spoonfuls of yoghurt to ease the hunger so I can concentrate again!. SOOOO full of liquid too:)

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Stupid Blogger Deleting Things...

Well, Blogger managed to delete my BDo post, so here it is again minus most fo the commentary (cause I cannot be bothered again!0.

And 500 posts! Hooray! That snuck up on me.

Witchery Playsuit, Topshop cape

Like a Boss viewing area

Free showbag

Private Bar

Free colourbugs!

Executive toilet

Aus day BBQ

Wayne Cooper dress - Impromptu night out sat

DIY lazy juice cleanse for 3 days

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Even bigger Day Out

Chilling in the Like A Boss area

Kato's Seinfeld sneakers

Pineapple cruisers - like Fruita

Childish Gambino

Pink hair!

Karen O

The Killers

Vampire Weekend
Blogger decided to delete my BDO here is part one.

Lazy days and lazy nights

Just a quick one with my last weekend outfit... :) I managed to drop something on my dress though - fingers crossed that the dry cleaner can at least get it mostly out:(

Saba Maxi

Makeup for the BDO

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Swinging through the crisis

I had to emerge from my holiday shell yesterday to criss manage and check on our scholarship holders across QLD and northern NSW. I guess at least I could do it while multitasking and cooking all my dinners and lunches for the freezer. Which was difficult in itself as I am doing the juice cleanse, so I couldn't taste what I was cooking! I also have to make caramel slice tonight for our charity tea trolley....another even bigger challenge:)

So hungry!
Bel looking sweet

Fin thinking evil thoughts. She is just so naughty sometimes. In every cupboard!

Forever New pants and singlet, Zara blazer

Scaring people with my printed legs

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