Such a cute fedora and only $14
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Damn you Asos, you temptress!
Acorns away...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A shade daring
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Pow! Captain Planet.
It is certainly massive - I feel like I need to say shazam a lot:)
Dotti skirt, Nine West wedges, Portmans stripe tee, Lovisa necklace

Better look at the colours in the ring (excuse my wrinkly hand)
I have to stay at work until 8pm tonight, so I came in late and got my gym session over and done with. It was nice and quiet in there at 8:30am!
I have decided shopping bans are useless with me, so I have downloaded an expenses app on my Iphone, and I have to record every bit of money that I spend on a daily basis. It's already making me more cautious about my spending so it's a success thus far:)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Summer on a winter's day
So sore this morning from my PT session, I was lucky to get up the stairs at work. Or is that unlucky? :)
Fin gets in on the blogging action
Asos skirt, Tony Bianco wedges, FC belt, Zara blouse
Managed to get my hair nice and curly with my braids:) so much easier than a GHD

Monday, October 24, 2011
Penguin chic
My mother and stepfather left early this morning for their drive back to Adelaide, and I feel quite sad. It was lovely having company in the house. Perhaps when we finish the renovations I should look into renting out a room, since the Boy is only here on weekends. It might be nice to have some company during the it would help with paying off the mortgage!
Asos blouse and skirt, Nude shoes

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Pastel Sorbet
The Boy cooked roast chicken and veg
AA tank, Boston Babe shoes, Asos skirt, CR cardi, Modcloth necklace
MUST get back to doing Weight Watchers today. The past three weeks have been an eating fest to rival Caligula.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Blue sky mine
Private eyes are watching you...they see your every move.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Lavender Avenue
Modcloth skirt, RMK heels, Alannah Hill blouse, Asos bow tie, CO cardi
So over today - feeling miserable, especially after waiting 3 hours last night for the plumber to fix the shower - and he never showed up. I hate tradespeople. So damn unreliable.
On shopping ban, which is no fun at all.
Monday, October 17, 2011
With a thud, not a whimper
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Going over the top